Tag Archives: interactive

Crossing the road will never be the same again!

Framed* by Yugo Nakamura

Ok top of my wish list, after the iPad 2 of course, is this for my wall at home. Framed*, a concept by Yugo Nakamura brought to life by Tha ltd. is a platform to display digital art both at home and in the gallery. Complete with microphone and speakers i love the potential it has to make art at home interactive. Brilliant.

Gesture sharing on smartphones and tablets

Australian digital agency Amnesia Razorfish announced a cracking new bit of software that replaces the typical ‘send and receive’ interface with a more natural ‘gesture-based’ interface allowing smartphone owners to move their content freely between two devices by simply dragging content off their phone onto a Microsoft Surface Table and back onto another device instantly.

Brilliant interactive music video for Arcade Fire

Who’d have thought the fantastic Arcade Fire would ever think of sunny Luton to use as a location in their new music video for We Used the Wait?

Ok, ok so technically speaking they didn’t but thanks to this cracking site by digital production company, B-Reel, you can enter your own location and due to the wonders of google maps you can make it seem like it is…

Here’s some screen grabs of the Luton video:

Click here to see full version

Fantastic Interactive music video for Cuckoo by Lissie

Amazingly imaginatively interactive music video website for ‘Cuckoo’ by US recording artist Lissie.

It’s set up as a live weather feed for fictional news channel “Channel 16”. You select where you want to see the weather for and depending on what the weather is like in that place, the band starts playing in the appropriate attire i.e. sunglasses and shorts if it sunny and rainmacs and hats if it’s raining.
Great transition scenes of a fake weather man introducing the weather when going from location to location too.

Go check it out at Lissie weather.

A cute greeting card that becomes a garden

Thought this was a sweet idea for that thinking of you message.

It’s a greeting card by Postgarden that upon arrival the recipient opens it up to display, adds water and a few days later they have their very own window / mantlepiece garden lasting about 3 weeks. Currently available is 3 different styles to suit your needs

Thanks GOOD for sharing