
So what’s this all about then?

BeyondM25 has been set up by me, Dave Sweeney, a proud dad and graphic designer from sunny Luton, why…

I live close enough to London to be aware of the buzz surrounding the creative industries, but far enough away from it so as not be able to claim to be part of it. But that doesn’t make me want to be any less of a part of it!

Start up a collective of people who also live / work ‘Beyond the M25’ who have just as much enthusiasm for the creative industries as those who live within it but don’t have the access they would like.

In a nutshell:
BeyondM25 aims to be a collective of like-minded individuals who share an interest and passion for creativity and to prove there is life ‘Beyond the M25’

So, if you are a budding designer / photographer / illustrator / printer / architect / film maker / animator / potter (I think you get the gist), or even if you are a fully fledged pro or veteran who lives / works beyond the M25 I want to hear from you.

  • I want to hear what you have to say,
  • I want you to share what you have seen (liked or disliked),
  • I want you to discuss what others have to say or do
  • I want you to share what you do with a view to collaboration/improvement

But most of all…

  • I want you to be part of it and make it your own!

What now?

  • Comment on what you see
  • Become a contributor and post (either, email life@beyondM25.com and I’ll sign you up or email your post content to me and I’ll write the post for you)
  • If you would like to be listed under Creative Links let me know who you are and what you do and I’ll get you in there.
  • Tell your friends about us and help create a buzz ‘Beyond the M25’

I’m definitely open to ways of making this site better and making BeyondM25 a success so if you have any suggestions please let me know either by making a comment below or emailing me at life@beyondM25.com, all feedback is welcomed.

I look forward to hearing from you…

All the very best,


PS. If you’re reading this and do happen to live/work inside the M25 it’s not personal and you are more than welcome to join in the fun if you would like to, in fact, having members from within the M25 would be a true sign of success in as much as the M25 will no longer a barrier be – Down with the barrier!